So onto a review or two eh? I'll keep these short as I'm going to attempt to sleep, listening to the songs below.
Lazee feat. Neverstore - "Hold On"
I first heard this song in a bar on campus and straight away dismissed it as some money grabbing mishmash of genres. To be fair that's exactly what it is, and I love it. Call it a soft spot for emo music and a liking of a bit of grime but I find I can't stop listening to it and sadly relating to the hook. I feel bad for that but it's true in some sense. While I'm sure to be bored of it in a few months its currently a favorite and it won't stop blasting out my speakers.
Lazee feat. Neverstore - "Hold On" - 7.0/10
(Listen here)
MSTRKRFT - "Heartbreaker feat. John Legend"

If you've been into electro over the past few years you were sure to run into MSTRKRFT at some point. "Easy Love" being the song most people hear first it instantly rekindles memories of Daft Punk in the early 00's for me. As with "Hold On" it has a simple hook but this time its a piano track that really doesn't change through out the entire song. Its easy to dance to and the lyrics are picked up relativly quick and it's just in time for summer. Brilliant.
MSTRKRFT - "Heartbreaker feat. John Legend" - 7.5/10
(Listen here)
Lo-Fi-Fnk - "Want U"
I first heard about these guys when I bought a Moshi Moshi label sampler for £5 eager to hear a few new bands. The song "Change Channel" just blew me away and I had to look into them. I found their album 'Boylife' and it was pretty much an insant purchase along with a few CDs by The Knife (I was on a Swedish music binge). While the album is great I just want more from them. I was a bit disheartened when I found out one of the duos laptop got stolen and that it may be the end of Lo-Fi-Fnk, after that it it was quiet for a while and after randomly looking through Hype Machine ( I came across a track I've not heard fell in love with their sweet electro pop sound once again. With the news of a new song one can only hope a new album is on the way soon. As for the song it's fairly straight forward but so compelling for me to listen to at the same time, a simple piano sample is the hook again but it will get stuck in your head with ease. "Want U" along with the previsous two these will be a main stay of my current listening for a good few months.
Lo-Fi-Fnk - "Want U" - 8/10
(Listen here)
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